We are the leading production company in Kurdistan.

We are pioneers in the production of commercials and digital content

Welcome to Cann Pictures

Our Clients

Gorannet TV Commercial

TVC for Goran Net 4.5G+, highlighting new packages and top-notch customer support.

TV Commercial

Equipped with the Latest Cameras and Advanced Filming Technology

Knowledge University

TV Commercial


TV Commercial


TV Commercial

We invest in the finest tools and expertise

Delivering unmatched quality is at the heart of everything we do.

Latest projects

Revolutionizing Drone Videography

Stunning aerial visuals with cutting-edge drone technology.

Video Production

Creating professional, high-quality videos tailored to your needs.

Website Developing

Designing and building modern, responsive, and user-friendly websites.

CGI Video Production

Delivering stunning animations and visual effects with precision.

App/Game Developing

Developing immersive apps and games for all platforms.

Welcome to CANN Pictures

We are pioneers in documentary video production

Searchinng through space


Past (2021)

Short Film

Statue (2021)

Short Film

Welcome to CANN Pictures

Experts in Creative Short Film Production

Special effects mastery

We have spent years perfecting special effects in film